jesus rob get a grip, there are many people who post on here and don't go to the club. As for insulting - get a grip mate... step back from your computer and read what your typing and how seriously your taking yourself
It gets shit every so often then things pick back up. The board is always seen as a bit of banter. The newbies will be old skool in 6 months, then there be an influx of 16 year olds for thier amusement. Long live the board. Nass = I bet your tounge's filthy mate.
a dick he might be, but his posts are alot more read-worthy than your's are. 10/10 for entertainment value
I know how seriously i'm taking myself. I also know that there are loads of people who post on here and don't go to the club, the more the merrier imho unless they start being annoying. You're just repetative, you think your better than everyone, you talk down to people and you presume that I give a shit what you think. What is your opinion worth these days when you never admit you're wrong? You will argue a point just to save face of make yourself look cleaver so everything you say is therefore worthless. Don't think I'm joking or having some banter with you, I don't like you anymore. You used to be a top bloke but these days you act like you're something special which you are not. Honestly, i'd rather you left this board, you're just becoming annoying and you bring nothing unique other than you're bad attitude. Please go away and 'get a grip'. If you want to respond why not just do it by pm/email, this isn't banter, i'm not doing it for show (unlike you?) and I don't think it has anything to do with this thread.
They have like! I mean they are not interested in the 'mysterious' backstage or the balcony VIP or hob nobing near the bar or in the horse shoe, they are so fresh they go to a DANCE CLUB & DANCE!!!!! I dont think they get slated in every thread as I stuck up for them in this thread: