can you post it up somewhere or burn it onto cd...? I really want that bad boy and i've been scouring the net all day for without any luck :evil:
arse, I'm on a uni T1 connection. Cant use any filesharing software, damn annoying cos I can d/l at up to 8 mbps. :evil:
i'm a prog man, not usually that hot on breaks....but this is awesome...the variety and the shit james can do on two cdj's is simply outstanding.....he even samples two daleks...... sounds fooking awesome
Heard he does Live re-editing!! what a guy! Young as well.... good on him, hope to see him this year.. i've heard he's playing Shindig this year
listen to the mix on the shit he does with 2 cdj's and a djm600 is stupidly amazing.....I stuggle with 3 deck mixing and this dude is mixing off two beat tracks, sampling off two cdj's and fooking about with the on-board sampler.....
There was a picture in DJ mag of him with some sort of pet dalek! The samples of it in his mix are class "Exterminate!"