moi u aint been laid since the stone age man, be honest! u want me but u cant hav me coz i got a g/f!¬ WE ALL KNEW ON THE BUS DOWN 2 LEEDS THAT U WANTED ME AND WAS UNDRESSING ME WITH URE EYES
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Jesmond nice avatar a picture of me with a fake beard drawn on i can only hope my doctor will prescribe me with some more prozac to help me through the sheer torture of this situation as le frog said- Die.
why do you have my hilarious picture too? does psycaholic spend his days hanging out the back of you, hence the solidarity?
janet man! just give up, just chill every1 hated me when i first came on this board! but hey hav grew 2 love and adore me! plus if they say out 2 me and i see em in real life they kna what they will get
you just seem a little highly strung and hell bent on being a cunt for no reson thats all, you need a hug maybe ?
how is it too good to draw a cock on it? i mean, red cheeks and a slightly homosexual beard aint gonna cause me to shed too many tears