wait till you see me dance where is Jesmond any way????????? not sure any one acctually answered me !!!
Multi-tasking is something women claim to be able to do, whilst saying men can't. Men don't multitask, they prioritise, i.e. we do things one by one in order of importance. We do things one by one, and do them better than women. We can prioritise efficiently because we are generally more intelligent than women. We do not try to do a couple of things at once (consequently making a half-arsed job of each), unlike women. The very fact that you brought it up pyskic can only lead me to conclude you're a bitch. Die.
ha ha ha ha are you havin a giggle if you look back i did quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by French William Multi-tasking is something women claim to be able to do, whilst saying men can't. Men don't multitask, they prioritise, i.e. we do things one by one in order of importance. We do things one by one, and do them better than women. We can prioritise efficiently because we are generally more intelligent than women. We do not try to do a couple of things at once (consequently making a half-arsed job of each), unlike women. The very fact that you brought it up pyskic can only lead me to conclude you're a bitch. Die. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prioritise these then