Re: WHHHHHHHHHHAATTT!!!brains brains!got ne left?? Obviously... I mean you hardly typed a thing I tried to read your post but lost interest of trying to decipher your mumbo jumbo after the first paragraph - sorry Phil each to their own
Re: Re: WHHHHHHHHHHAATTT!!!brains brains!got ne left?? DEVOOOOD ME LIIIKKE!! Ooooo, the biter taste ov ur own medicien eh??!! neway, i shudnt ov kikt of like dat,just summet im passionate about, but u hurt my feelings&i guess i was tryin 2hurt urs back!!U SEE IM NOT VERY GUD AT THAT, LIKE SUM PEEPS!!!!!
mmm ferry ferry!! need 4 that like!!But i guess u betta crak on, i had a kinda NIIIICE dream about himlast night..., gud job im not a boy, id be as dry as the sahara by now, the amount i dream ov him "did i dreeaaam u dreamed about meeee??" i had a VEry large pair ov wings,bit like icarus, was im talltrees after every1had left n well, i flew over to the dj box &slipped n nearly fell off, but he grabed me with his beautifull, talentful sexy hands n pulled me up, and he opened his arms for a big hug n i ran to him n we....well..only hugged actually BUT THATLL DO, that means he loves me n then we left together, he was stayin over the nite inmy garage, but sum1 had burgled it and pinched my Gay Bear (my tenderheart teddy bear, wiv a de-stuffed wrist)so he went home to holland, bludy burglers!!!.........oh fuk fuk fuk fuk!!!WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wats my writin gota do wiv nefing!!?? If i wrote that, n i was a lad, id expect sum1 WITH A SENSE OV HUMOUR (ne1 left wiv 1?) to pont that out!!I thought it was funny!!Bludy hell man, sum peeps shud try to move their mouths to smile more instead ov to be a BBIIIAAAAATTCHHH!!!
DDDUUUUURRRR, ur so brainy i wish i was a uni student then id be so briany& id be able to notice well hard fings like OOO SPELLING MISTAKES!!!! cumon BRAINS i new that, try to laff now n then!!jesus!!!Or i forgot, its GOD isnt it!!!soz, shudnt ansa back to THE ALMIGHTY one!!!
wat did you even read what I wrote?!?!? Was your answer even remotely related to what I wrote?!?!? Your right I am brainy and you are dumb now shush lil girl btw what is your problem with me again?
john Kelly is the fucking man!! Everytime i seen him i've been amazed! I even bought his CD on Slinky which is tres class!!! More More make him resident!!!!!!
am hopefully goin soon, hopefully 4 armin at end of month, take it u goin right? oh, and, helen- stop being arguementative and causin trouble. smarte- stop windin her up (v. easy 2 do) and passion is MINT.
DIDNT have a problem with you.....UNTILL U STARTED TO B A NOBHEAD WITH ME!!!!nuff sed no bog off this tread if u aint gun a talk bout john kelly...little boy,im flippin older than u neway!!! John kelly was bangin at PASSION saturday,and am goin to see him again at the SUGA SHACK....... HE playes this tune called FUKIN SOCIETY...theres a verse in it that reminds me ov u PIGEON POO......goes a lill sufin like this.... "FUCK IGNORANCE"....well sed i fink!!!!
causin truble??? im ment to not ansa back to him afetr slaggin off my fave club THEN ME CALLIN ME thick???!!DOUBT IT HUNNY,ILL DEFEND MYSELF IF I LIKE others do!!!! neway we drfitin off mr.kelly,. so im not arsed bout arguing!!!