I'm a sexy cunt, you'll have to ask witton about his though i'm not sure i remember shouting john what u broke, then he just looked and laughed, then he turned around to talk to barry connell and it just came back on lol
had a gud nite considering i was sober as a judge. woz gud seeing some new faces,and ofcourse the usuals
I remember the people outside munchies I'm sure they were offended. I can't believe we left, we went out then fought to get back in then left again a minute later.
What were you saying on the phone last night I was absolutely wankered! No one would come to see Laurent Garnier so I went with these randoms and one of them was a promoter. I was loved up VIP style. Ended up in this lasses apartment GOOOOOOOOD night
Excellent night. Nice little venue.... even tho crowd was a bit sparse at times... Trek to the gents is a bit of an arse everytime! And I think I missed that step in there everytime nearly ended up head first in the urinals everytime!! Saw a fair few familiar faces.....
dowstairs was shite music wise, upstairs was much better was nice to have met a few new faces, peter and rache m4i and also the familiar faces not a bad night overall
junior g was great mark played a great set o'bir was mint o'callaghan was totally class cut me made my night only went upstairs once and hard to beat was on good crack one was proper mortal :spangled: good afters cheers to claire n tamzin for having us for the weekend