even if you needed a new carpet in the living room? i don't really think this cd is marketed at the 'serious clubber' more a teeny pop trance affair... an by puttig on some good quality non poppy tracks it means a wider exposure for trance music an has to be a good thing surely? or i could be jus talking shit again!
darren tate is a musical genious IMO!!! i still aint seen him dj as yet how crap is that, but hopefully will track him down at judgement sunday one week when i retreat to the white isle on friday 4 a while!!! xxxx
it aint always affordable to be credible though is it! he aint really kept it any secret either that he is jurgen vries so maybe he dont care whats credible or not...he's just makin music he likes,
Yeah, I agree mate. He obviously made the Jurgen Cheese alias for the more cheesy tunes, I might start an alias, any ideas?
u'll have to track him down and let me know what he's like hun cause i aint seen him either and want to, see if he's as good as what people say he is!!! the tracklistings not bad, but could be alot better, but what u expect from darren tate!!!
his dt8 project tune sun is shining down is crap sounds like a shit ibiza house track like lola's theme
Tracklist looks poor. But "Flash - Brothers - Amen" Outstanding track. Should check out the Lys & Gigi S Remix. Cant decide which i prefer though between that and Original.