I would probs b a bit pissed off if i signed onto a message board and people were slagging off something that i put alot of effort into buit to be fair he does seem like an A grade arsehole.....I dont understand why it matters how old guyver is? Fair enough he may be 19 but its obvious hes very very talented or he wudnt b as successful as he is now? That board seems full of weirdos :spangled:
its more the effort put in rather than talent guyver was meaning... karims tracks are good but the sound 'home made' if that makes any sense... and that board is the reason why sometimes i'm gutted that i like hard house
Whats guyver ever made? i remeber Karim from the sundiss days fridge magnets etc...... his productions were always good to me?? i d be well pissed off if some 19 year old was ripping me to bits on msg board across the world. saying that i did give Lee foster some shit and i was 18??? sorry lee
u make it sound like its only him that does it. isn't all HH 'movie quote' bollocks? i quite liked 'man on the moon' cause it was a bit old school sounding. as inoffensive as any other HH anyways...
Just the same as all the other Tidy stuff really mate, some people like it some don't, I dont I think he produces on Fruityloops.
guyver engineers for a fair few people too... not as nmany as paul maddox tho! its mostly his remixes that get attention now...