lucky you, means the muscles in one arm doesn't get bigger than the other! (i knew someone who had a severely disformed right arm due to over wanking!
no his name was alexander! no i went to college with him, think he was called ian! Kens arms are very even thanks!
work it i only smoke cos its as fuck... i actually hate the taste of em havent been swimming for a while... used be shit'ot few years back tho.. city/club level in wolves... got pressured into doing it by my parents and got really sick of it.. wish i hadnt given it up now.. its sad but i the main reason i havent been recently is cos i cant be arsed to make the effort to walk to byker pool
Well...this time in an hour i will be on my way to keep fit...we r gonna look..soo fact.."soo silly" is a complete understatement!
I need to start going to some kind of keep fit.. A friend from work told me a story the other day about keep fit. She's quite big, and a few years ago went to a keep fit class to try and shed a few pounds. When she was there, she noticed everyone had these matching leotards so the woman running the class convinced her to buy this purple leotard thing so she'd match everyone else. So, it came to the week where they had to be weighed & measured and to my friend's surprise, she'd lost a good few inches round the stomach. However, when she got home and took the purple leotard off, all her fat came spilling back out. The woman running the class got done for fraud.
i went to the gym for a yr but then i got bored and didnt renew membership coz never bothered goin. went to boxercise for a while. its good fun. totally kills, but least u know its doin somethin i suppose. havnt been for ages coz sarah stopped goin and didnt wanna go on my own.
lol.. u just got back in then? I'm off 2 the gym in a min.. I hate goin at this time of night cos your generally knackered to start off with..
Yeah oh my god! It was like the Eric Prydz video but times 4590 for the excercise! U had to do some of the stuff off that video but oh my had like...people who were canny old but r blatantly fitter than me! We were just running on the spot and doing loads of really really really like hard leg things and everything then 20 mins later he was like...RIGHT theres ur warm up done...and i just went Oh no...then we did stomach crunches and loads of other mad leg things and arm things and oh my god...i will NOT be able 2 walk 2moro!