Thats the spirit! I'm always optomistic (sp?) like that! A few month back I - Did Kung fu on friday, then out on lash Gym on Saturday Kickboxercise on Sunday Gym on Monday Kung fu on Tuesday Gym on Wednesday I then literally couldn't do anythin at work on the thursday.. was very sore! It'll all be worth it though! I hope.. cos I'm puttin myself through the same shit..
lol.. I don't now.. I just pushed it too far! Never again.. gotta have 2 days rest or it screws u! Off to the gym for 1.5 hours now.. I'm already tired thinkin bout it
Oh and the man is totally totally totally crazy...he is soo funny though! When it finished he just turned and looked at me and went..."WAS THAT GOOD FOR YA?" I was like...wheezing in the corner...
was it fun then ? I will come next week if it was anything like the 25 min non stop circuit i had to do for pe with non stop weight lifting then all the sit ups n press ups non stop dead fast then go out for a 20 minuite none stop run i feel sorry for u!
I've pushed it too far again.. ruptured a bloody vessel in my eye I hate it when things happen to my eye! Looks like I'll be wearin 2moro..
fast and furious sex burns 359 cals an hour vigourous dancing burns 235 cals an hour seems my weekends are healthier than I thought
Fuck exercise. Its for vain ppl. Take the stairs insted of the lift and you will be ok. Oh and take plenty of class A's