Nope, i have only had about 3 pills in my life, I only did it to see what the fuss was aboput an di had the sence not to continue and fuck up my head and body
Bingo. I've stopped indulging. But from my binges came awareness and knowledge of drugs, and now I'm writting articles from Drug Link magazine (Drug Scopes bi-monthly magazine). If it asn't for those wrecked nights, I would still be trying to find a career with a Geography degree, which proved very hard.
O fcourse with E its about 10 pills and the perm damage starts to take effect in your irraplacable seratonin levels which leads to depression and mental heath problems in later life
ill say again, i know loads of people who took stuff for a few years, stopped and now are totaly fine. loads of people on here took them for 2/3 years and are fine, i used to cane stuff for a bit and i feel fine, how many years are we talking about here freddy, you seem to know it all?
i'll agree i used to feel pretty shit for a good couple of weeks after, but i feel spot on now since i stopped taking them, i used to go a bit wild aswell so i think it'll take alot more than u think to get permanent brain damage, that or someone being completely wreckless and stupid which would be their fault.
Not quite. However, I included my love of walking, cooking, sports, and whatever other tosh I could think of
Well it all depends really on your chemical balance, you are born with enough seratonin to last a long life and when you take e you use up about 1ooX more than you would in an avarage day so i would expect any long term drug use to have effects in your 40's or even early 30's, My Ex at uni was doing a masters in it and thats kinda the reason i never started properly, i have read some very ditressing case studies from people now 40 who took e for around 3 or 4 years in the early 80's
I'm not disagreeing with what he has to say about leter-life problems. By later I think it's about 10 years and upwards? I'm no expert but i know by 'later in life' it doesnt mean a few years. Like tobacco, smoking it can cause problems later in life such as cancer. It all takes time that's all. I'm just not happy about his view of all people who take drugs. Some take more than others. Some take way too many and are probably going to be fucked up but i reckon the average drug user like most the people on here, aren't going down the same route as a smack head like he says.
If you had seen a prgramme on Channel 4 Paul a few years ago called "The Wet House" based on alcoholics i think you'd be even frightened to walk beside a bar - never mind any of this "drugs fuck you over more n this n that" It was basically inside a home where homeless alcoholics had been picked up, they in turn cash there giros whenever it is and takes turns to pick the grog up (9% Tennants Super Strength) and then just drink n drink n drink - they had the shakes that much some of them they opened a can n had one mouthful and it was gone - talk about DT's It was spot on he programme and sad at the end cos a think a few of them died, some sorted themselves out and there was a lass who was living there allowed glue cos of her addiction who went on the straight n narrow. It's not JUST drugs...
Yeh im not someone who ever claimed that nothing was ever gonna happen if i kept taking them, and i'd rather go out and have a drink now and wake up feeling human, but lookign back i had some class times and would never wanna change that. I just think its wrong putting people who go clubbing and taking drugs into the same category as smackheads, maybe the damage it does is the same (i dont really know), but the people do the stuff for totally differant reasons, one does it because they depend on the drugs, the other to enhance an experience.
Hey i did alright making it up of the top of my head As iof my ex was doing a masters on taking drugs some people are so gullable
I have no idea what E does to you as i dont take it and im not really that bothered, i feel there are more importnat thingds to learn about on my time on our fair planet
I never even knew you'd said that. I wasn't taking in all of what you said by the time you must have mentioned that bit. Only the bits about how the average drug user is the same as a smack head.