I think its funny that coletrickle purposely winds people up and every1 defends themselves...He is doing it so every1 bites...he is pretending to be harsh
Yeah i miss Joe for that reason. I only wish he wasn't making money and didn't assume he was gorgeous all the time
I don't think there's a great deal of truth in that to be fair. You either think you know it all, all the time, or you actually are spending hours and hours of your life pretending to be an arse. I don't know which of the two are the coolest! I see how it could be funny 'winding people up' now and then but not all the time.
I found this board very boring so i created a alias called cole trickle and tried to wind up as many people as i could, The people who i have met from here prob find me quite pleasant to be fair, I just find all the i did this and im doing that posts very boring so decieded to mix it up a bit, and some of the fuckers are still falling for it and untill they stop it will prvide entertainment and i will carry on doing it, like now, you arse
What aren't you getting. I said earlier I have no doubt that you are canny in person, I just don't see why someone would find pleasure in doing what you say you are. What exactly am I falling for? You aren't the master of trickery just cos you can sit behind a computer sniggering at the fact that what you say on here is all a joke. If that keeps you happy then fair enough keep on doing it. It doesnt get my back up as you seem to think it does, I was just wondering why you do it. I know now and i think you are SERIOUSLY cool. Good work.
well the fact that you continue to reply and get wound up means your falling for my bullshit like amny others do, do you think i woul dcontinue if people like you just ignored me instead of continuing the shitty argument??? Please keep it up tho
I'm not getting wound up All I was wondering was why you acted so differently online to what you do in person. The fact that you've earned the title 'mildly funny' says everything about your efforts at making the place funnier.