Re: Re: Re: Re: Ket not sure how much they give you compared to what u would snort but they also mix it with another tranquilzer to relax ur muscles. and its also injected straight into ur blood which probobly makes the hit stronger.
it'll go the same way as coke eventually, that was used as an anesthetic back in the early 1900s, it was even a main ingredient of coca cola until around the 1920s, problem with ket though is that it remains a key drug in treatment of humans on a lesser extent and to a wider extent animals! liquid ket being largely used to sedate animals up to the size of a horse!i mean fuck... neckin horse tranquilizer to get wrecked!!! fook that!! had it once, felt like i was in alices wonderland!!! scary shit!!!
I sometimes have panicky comeups like lol.The thing about ket is though it only lasts 30-45 minutes then you pretty much snap out of it.In my experience anyway
I think the Liquid Ketamine knocks you out then they use gases to keep you out til its time to be brough round.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ket He isn't right. When something such as ket has the potential to totally fuck you up and leave you vulnerable to all sorts of of dangers that you'd probably be completely aware of on a straight head, not to mention all the tripping and loss of control etc you can't say it's 'such a safe drug'. Taken in the right way for the right reasons, using the right amount then yeah maybe it is safe but when is anyone who's never had it before and is doing it for a laugh going to know what the right amount is? I personally haven't tried it but my m8's have and from what they've told me about it it's not something i'd feel safe taking if i was somewhere that would require me to make judgements as simple as crossing a road :tut:
Sometimes yeah. I start thinking about uni work and other stuff, or panicking about where my mates are and shit
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ket Like he said though if taken properly.He didnt say have a line and play on the motorway lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ket God, the first time I had ket was at fucking Crasher! I had no idea what it was going to do to me, or anything! Not a good plan!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ket Most people who take it use it as an afterparty drug i think...I had it clubbing before and had a good laugh though...All about small doses though
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ket Yeah i know but like i said, how do you know what the right amount is if you've never had it before? And how many times have you taken drugs and ended up having to cross a road? I'm thinking on a national level here. No matter what anyone says, there's always going to be someone who's taken it and has to make some sort of judgement such as crossing a road. Saying it is a safe drug in any way is going to make people think 'oh well if its safe here we fucking go!' without a great deal of planning or consideration for themselves or where they are or will end up.
I have had too much and i have had the right amount and had a whale of a time, the problem is that it is easy to have too much.. when i had too much anything could have happened to me, i would have not have had the power to stop it......
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ket fair point but Ban alcohol and tobacco before making ket class C in my opinion Anyone who isnt cautious when experimenting with drugs is to thick to be taking them to be fair