Im not the one who takes a horse tranqulizers and thinks its cool to be in a k hole thinking your dead HOw about you jog on smack head???
when have i said that i think its cool to be in a k hole? and ive never and never will take smack you fucking knob end. take your PC tree hugging liberalistic anti drug arse into another forum :upyours:
No i like laughing at fucking druggies like you thinking drugs are mint when really they fuck you over.... Its funny as
cool! you ever drank alcohol or smoked backy? taken tablets? more people die of tabs and booze than pills or ket. pills dont give you cancer or destoy your insides, neither does ket. im not condoning either but less than half a person dies a year through pills. can you say the same about smoking or booze? if youve had neither then you can call me a druggy. if you have had one or the other then your a hyprocritical nonce
he does himself no favours on here, i know am not mr popular but atleast people know im normal when they see me out (exception: promise last sat )
guilty, i hold my hands up to that one. there was mor vodka in my piss than there was piss. im still recovering
sound plan i cant brin myself to block him, i like griefing him too much edit: on a seperate note, ive recently rediscovered way out west - mindcircus (g&dmix)
Thats what im aiming at mate Oh and whoever asked what drugs i have tried then prob most of them except Ket, crack and smack
Out of all the people who try and greif me you have to be the worst by a mile You have zero wit nas no decent comeback So please carry on 'griefing' me cos its piss funny how feeble it is, your nearly as bad as Bri
Anyway im off out so please feel free to 'Own' me while im gone you just may have a chance while im not here, but i doubt it, only the usual geeks will pretend to laugh at your poor put downs