No point becoming a lesbien as all women are two faced bitch's. You could try being celibut (spelling?).
bit harsh, you sound like a mate of mine from back home here you can use her phrase " Menschmen," seemed to cheer her up ok
ok, im now hidding behind my monitor, glad i didn't bump into you then at the meet-up i'm taking a stick the next time i'm up
im not really this nasty, just having a shit day and who better to take it out on than the male population!
they all died off in spetember, the men r still here unfortunatley (ure excluded form this haterd of all things male)
Princesses rules of attraction - looks across the club and goes 'fwwwoarr look at the personality on that' 2. if your going to be fat at least have the decency to have big tits, being jolly is not enuff. 3. boys, when most girls talk about other girls being fit, it is not evidence that they want to provide u with some girl-on-girl, they merely wish to a) tease u by suggesting this b) become the girl they are talking about c) fish for compliments ie 'No your much nicer than her honest' i thank u
fuck relationships just have sex.. then you don't have to worry about them fuckin you around. meaningless out-of-relationship sex is the way forward i tell u!
yeah, and then u end up getting fucked around coz even if u dont want to, one or the other always ends up having feelings for the other one, and it all ends in tears, been there done that and ended up being hurt, its always the same, meaningless sex or not, they fuck u about!