that bad????, i thought seb would hav been a good nite, never mind!!!!, glad u enjoyed yaself!!!!, ill hav a listen to that mini disc this week m8!!!!
its a lot busier than promise but it is so hot - we were all sweating like hell! To be fair tho some of us werent relly up for shindig anyway so it already but a dampner on the nite - it doesn't feel the same either without the lasers and strobes etc. I'll probs keep trying it tho - maybe in a couple month
I wasn't there but surely Seb Fontaine can't put you off Sasha. The last time I saw Big Seb he was appaulling whereas everytime you'll see Sasha he'll be spot on. And the atmosphere will surely be better for Sasha. There would have been a large number of people there on Saturday who only know Seb through radio 1, and although there'll be a few of the same at next week there'll also be far more people actually there for the music. Don't think I'll be able to make it to Sasha, seen him a few times before and have always been impressed but Sander Klienenberg is definitely further up on my "to-see" pile.
i cannot wait for sander, ive wanted to see him for so long jon cutler in the bar is an added bonus i shall be at sasha as well, cos i think he is class, cant wait cos it ages since ive been to a proper prog nite, and im going to two in a row! i miss the promise days of nick warren, dave seaman, chris fortier, john creamer, slacker etc.
i miss the promise days of nick warren, dave seaman, chris fortier, john creamer, slacker etc. [/B][/QUOTE] 2 rite m8 - love to see nick warren and seaman back at foundation
2 rite m8 - love to see nick warren and seaman back at foundation [/B][/QUOTE] so would i mate! though the fact shindig are now booking lee burridge, sasha, sander kleinenberg etc means one day i bet dave seaman and nick warren play there dont count it out
though the fact shindig are now booking lee burridge, sasha, sander kleinenberg etc means one day i bet dave seaman and nick warren play there dont count it out [/B][/QUOTE] Booking are getting worse and worse. Too dark, no soul. Breet Johnson, David Duriez, Justin Long, Slater Hogan, they're the kinda DJs that should be playin Shindig
Just ordered me first batch of vinyl cos it really is about time I got some decks. My first vinyl: Easy Access - Stormer [Kained] Eufex and Jay B - Hypnotica [Kaktai] Diamond Joe - Diamond [Meaty Moosic] Eufex - Find Me [Ravage] Eufex - Resident 4 President [Ravage] AGB - New Era [Red] Synaps - More Power [Heavyweight] Sol Ray and Dan Basely - Speechless [Solar Trax] And all for £30!
Mate, if shindig booked ANY of those djs i'd keel over in delight/disbelief but face up to the facts shindig have rarely made an attempt to educate the punters they're just happy knocking out tired progressive/standardfunky house. Best bet is get together with any like minded friends (if you have any) and DIY. The Bodytonic lads in Dublin did just that and now they promote/dj at the best underground house night in dublin.
just got GRAHAM FEE (and pablo gargano) - FOREVER includes the john askew mix but original for me is way better quality tune!!
Without letting too much out, that's actually been thought of. You reckon there's a market for high quality Deep House in Newcastle though? Manchester and Leeds are the real cities for it, too much prog up here
Done right it could work. I'm saying I know what right is but somebody has to eventually before we are drowned in the deep pool of mediocrity that is the shindig. As for those cities they're bigger (=more clued people)and have an older more established and oft intertwined scene that has nutured new talent.
Today Mr Postman delivered Paul Van Dyk - Out There & Back - 4 x 12" Another 4 records to the collection !
there isnt a market for any kind of night in newcastle....well, not really IMO.... nothing ever really works...!
Not at all. Hate college and stuff, wanna start exploring my options and get out there in the big wide world. I wana work so I can make more money to get a decent night set up anyway