send ness and my love to him might be visiting mackemland 2 night. OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD some night on with K-klass and she is an amaxing singer
's them lot love their tunes, seen a live show in the US an it was fantastic also seen them at the theartre royal jammy get
Yeah, normally go to Everton, but going away the week before. Might be going to Liverpool Boxing Day though
Everton will be better anyway cos Im going although the £350 thats jsut been whaceked on my card for it isn't very good
You flying to Liverpool or something? I just have to buy my match ticket and a tenner petrol when we go to Liverpool, we stay at our mates house
Quiet one tonight, getting a chinese delivered in a little while, probably watch a DVD and listen to some music, then up bright and early to go to Wigan.