on the floor! beside 2 otrher dead birds! lil baby ones obviosuly and i was in the country so eitehr a fox owl or cat wud hav got it
You should have rang Rolf Harris. He'd have saved it. Assuming he wasn't already busy tying a kangaroo down or something.
The RSPCA generally says leave them. Or get them to come out. There's very little chance of a bird surviving with someone who hasn't got a clue how to look after it.
my little brother found 1 last year, we rang the RSPCA who said cover the bird in dust to get rid of the human smell and put it back where it belongs
yeah but its a liitle bird, i know you are right but i couldnt just leave it there, the chances are it would have died anyway i hate this crack
I know it's harsh to leave it there, but it is usually for the best. Plus, if it hadn't survived, it would have gone back into the food chain, which is better than it being wasted.
be easyer for sum people! but ive always had birds as pets all me life, me and me dad used 2 hav an avery in the back garden with finch's in
the parents would have found it - it always best to leave it where it is or if u have to, move it out of immediate danger i.e. off a road. we found one the other week in a friends garden on the path - we moved it and put it on the hedge where it was chriping away merrily. it was gone when we came back - cats lunch, safe hide-out - who knows. where u really going to keep feeding it? and bring it up?