loved matts set! was a great night, great atmosphere and was well worth the wait. pockets a bit damaged after the amount of alcohol i consumed!
hardwick was amazing... gielen was amazing too - couldn't sit down... my feet still hurt i think.. best night ever at Promise - without fail. 5 weeks till the next... agony.
i remember talking to you for a bit upstairs when u were with big phill, i'd gone up there for a break - how warm was it? i remember u going to take a photo and i had to wipe my sweaty heed!
Think I was upstairs for most if not all his set, also for the most part of Gielen to - can picture looking down and seeing Gielen's bright white/blonde hair shining out from the darkness like a beacon in the night
Re: Matt Hardwick well said mark i cant understand why people are alwys shouting eddie eddie! he's nothing special! matt is tho! its about time matt finshed off the nite in promise!
absolutely...what a tune....forgot all about that for a day or so!!!!! (til now) cheers michael. Hardwick was storming on friday like. one of the best sets i've heard from him (didn't surpass the set b4 scot project tho, but will any?) promise back to its old self on friday, no doubt!
my m8 from uni was at Promise for first time and was impressed by the residents - thought Rich and Lee were really gud - Gielen and Hardwick followed on with excellent sets. I wonder if Halliwell would be as good if he didn't interact with the crowd as much though - i find turning the music off and getting the crowd to shout ur name puts a downer on the night - then again he is always a 'fun' dj to have on!
Good to see this classic back around again. Some of the Blue Amazon stuff is class - quality epic trance like Sasha & Digweed used to play
First time!! First time at promise, thoroughly enjoyed it, matt was amazin wasn't familiar with the tunes he played, although i loved it when eddie dropped the hard trance remake of binary finary, and arome visions of paradise!! Class act, best night i've had in a while!!!!!!!!!!!