how can you even think of that being funny. petty fucking randomness is shit, get a life. i cant be bothered to go on because im having a fucking shit day to start with without your consistant shit crach and AIDS poetic skills. put the mouse down and step away from the keyboard you goon. it is safer for everyone. go and make yourself a coffee or a spunk milkshake to sort your self out nyou fucking greasy one eyed chocolate speedboat captain.
Re: mc-ing.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :tut: Mc's spoil the night, as do bongo players, and live sax players, i used to hate it at GG when they had that strange bird on bongos, why dear lord why??? :strop:
thats the funniest thing i've heard you say oh oh wait a minute no it's not maybe it's errr ment to be like that you goon it's tackin the piss out of shitty mc , i'd draw you a picture but i've heard you can only understand Crayola
oh you were well then fuck me , sorry i though you were ribbin *looks round* *where scott when you need him*
I think its brilliant how a shit username and psycobollock keep mocking each other for not being funny. Take the hint lads.
can you still get on bus for 50p if so get on got to "TOON" and hang aroung maccy with the other kids it is summer holidays after all !! im sure some will put two's to a bottle of white lightning with you