What is some people's problem with Moi?? I know her, she's canny, so get off her back and chill winston
the majority will no doubt say they never had a problem with her in the first place since the poll makes them look uncool if they say otherwise
I'm one of the few that know her from the old school... she wasn't a jew hater back then. board moi = irritating antisemite. real moi = friendly scrat There should be a third option in the poll.
i can feel the shame coming off everyone thru my TFT... no-one jumped in to defender her when we were being particulary nasty to her the other day - now the remorse sets it, everyones on her side... it's hannahwild all over again
I don’t need anyone to defend me I can handle the banter at the end of the day + I don’t even know Hannah
i know u don't - u took it all very well - i'm more commenting on the hypocrisy of the board now saying how great u are NOW when they wouldn't shout at us the other day when we were all on our rag and picking on you
Ha!! I see where your coming from well they’ve now realised I am a legend and they should follow rather than rebel against me!! Everyone can be hypocrites at times