I F*CKIN HATE B*STARD MONDAYS :evil: :evil: :evil: Not only am i still :spangled: off sat/sun, i'm knackered, have the "south american flu" but to make things worse everyone @ work is git happy and chirpy. I had no decent clothes ironed this morning so i've come to work looking like i should be standing outside monument mall selling the big issue plus i'm havin a "Bad hair day" too :evil: I need a bucket...
i'm dragging cazz to town to look at this extra fit man, then thats it!! quite sad really! but gotta entertain myself on my only day off somehow eh??? Oh, i'm actually going to the gym tonight, tha i'm proud of!
I was awake most of the night drinking water to get rid of the dehydration of the garlic..Doddy and Nicky were the same