Mr Megatron's Birthday Bash 25/10

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dodgy, Oct 18, 2003.

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  1. dodgy

    dodgy rowr kitty super meow cat

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Terra Firma
    :worship: you be the man, check ur pm's!

    Eugene's band = atari teenage riot on speed :D pure class

    I know I met lots of people but I have a strange recollection of the night... too much diesel *cough cough*... started getting along nicely with a sexily accented member of bar staff tho... :wink: :cool2:

    Bring on the next Bright Club/Fright Club/whatever Eugene's gonna call it (last I heard was Spite Club...:lol: )


    P.S. Hi to everyone I did meet!

    P.P.S. Sorry for scaring you! :monkey:

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