Unlucky Ruth. My boss is thick as owt with a computer so everyone at my work is just hoping he hasn't worked out how to get facts about internet usage etc and keeping on the good side of the IT bloke in the meantime.
They've done peeps for it at our place like - all net accesses are logged, not sure about key logging (doubt it), and all external e-mail is manually checked...
as i see it, it will more than likely fall under gross misconduct. reason being theres been loads of times on here where ruth has slagged off her place of work....they dont take things like that lightly...damages their reputation dont it
yeah i know we established that via pms. i hadn't realised she had been slagging off BT. it does weaken her position but that is not the only factor at play here.
Harsh as fuck that like Ruth. Hope you find something soon. I dont go on that much at work, mainly because of where im sat and the positioning of the screen basically meaning its the first thing anyone sees as they walk in the office. But im starting to think i shouldnt go on at all. We dont have any IT people in our office, because it is done from Leeds/Manchester/London. But im sure they can still be checking up on you all the time. Scary.
my own fault really...i have got to hand in a written statement by tomorrow answering the allegations...i can put on that we had permission but as for th erest i can't really deny it since they have proof!
if you are after same type of work (call centre stuff) go to either pertemps or blue arrow, and check on the aa stuff they have available. im under the impression we always want people for that kinda stuff.
would prefer not to as i worked behind a bar for 6 years! i've hardly been ill since packing in the pubs but i used to constantly have throat or chest infections when i did!