duno... nothings been announced yet the boat was a larf last year tho.. wonder if sundiss will announce there biggest/best lineup ever then cancel again... :laugh:
wasn't there rumours of Matt Hardwick doing something with Promise NYE? EDIT hang on... wasn't the NYD... ahh shite.
Or Crasher booking Leeds Town Hall and then claim the floor is not safe Went to the Dam instead:chill:
Probably not much, seeing as how I don't get paid until NYE! :evil: No £££'s to spare for tickets etc. Got too much going on in December as it is. Visiting people daaahn saaaarf & birthdays etc on top of Christmas, not good!
almost bought tix for crasher @ leeds NYE & n sundiss in leeds NYD last year, that would hav bin one messy experience! had a gud nu year tho-out in leeds on NYE n got bus up 2 newcastle @ 10am to get up nucastle for 3pm got on the boat for 4pm- gud stuff felt it all tho on jan 2nd-6th!:spangled: should def hav the boat agen tho but open sum windows-it was sooo hot!
Yeah I was, I really did like it. Taylor Jnr played all the tunes of the year up until midnight, then Taylor Snr playing the classics till the end, it rocked. Midnight tune was Faithless - Insomnia & Taylor Snr must have practised lining it up as the bells part finished just at midnight & then the tune kicked off. There was loads of really nice looking women there like
Mint - friday night is NYE... If promise is on then ill definately be there!!!!!!! Generally i completely hate NYE with a passion and stay indoors rather than be completely fleeced in a load of sardine packed toon bars, but it should be class at promise
I did buy tickets for gc @ leeds last year.. Spent ages findin a good hotel and booked that 2.. then they cancelled!! :evil: :evil: Got right on my tits! Ended up goin for a meal with my lass in town instead.. was v nice, although I was gettin pelted in the face by the snow storm that happened Hope promise does do somethin.. especially with nye bein on its native night! Bring on Matt.. along with eddie!! if possible.. please..
I'm pretty sure Mark has said in the past they will be doing the boat again. If this is the case I can't really see them doing something NYE as well.
I'm off to Scotland walking up mountains for New Year with Ken, I made the compromise to go but refused to sleep in a tent! :evil:
Did he say it wud on NYD tho? Even if it was, it wud probably be a Come Together event so Promise cud still be on on the Friday.