NYE is bollocks, too much anticipation. think im gonna work again this year and get pissed behind the bar. getting paid for getting pissed and having a laugh with my mates =
Im going to Edinburgh with a few select mates to go to this... http://www.highland-gathering.com/ Looks interesting
too much hassle, money and headaches with travel to go "3....2...1... yeah. right, where's mi taxi" christmas eve is where it's at!
or puking a mix of chips and stella into your xmas stocking you mum left beside your bed..... i speak from experience
Public Domain I guess :spangled: Wow its so cool to knock Morillo cos hes sucsessful and not more underground that Allies wine cellar
only joking Jess, me and JP will probs end up DJing. Dunno where as yet, you will be with your m8's. I will come see you when I'm finished though