i've been in there & it's worse than costa del but not quite as bad as working in the centre of gateshead
i've gotta give back to the people you know. Just by me talking to them makes there lives a million times better.
translated that mean pike tell me so i can tell jess in the hope i can get in her knickers quicker hehhehehehehe
OG rifts rock... they're old so Teknofish should like them obscure so paul should like them and as much as i hate to admit it... slightly camp (and the new ones are sometimes chavvy) so alex should like them but each to their own i suppose...
brazils... japan only release (i think they're rank but the rarest of rifts?) http://www.laavenue.jp/img/s.gif turbos these are shit on this pic but anyways... although most of them have been faked now so the chav's have got hold of them
looking back most of them are quite gay! those aren't all the better ones i just got bored of looking