agreed, it's hard to say no to anything with Princess Tongue Piercing Magic going on (patent pending for the USA)
failing that tell him he's not getting any til he agrees to go to these places.... look what he's missing out on
no not THOSE photo's..... THOSE photo's are in the vault for a time when it is necessary to publicise them nice places i've visited like thailand & cambodia even barbados is really nice & isn't 3rd world
exactly and the thought of not having it makes you want it more. It's a technique used by girls who don't like shaggin' their men and want an excuse to get out of it. For the record I lasted about half an hour.
good girl, thats what us men like to here. when i've been with a girlfriend i've never been refused sex ever, i reckon its finishing offence tbf. there all lucky they never di refuse it.
i used to refuse sex when i wasnt getting on with my bird. if the relaationship is going fhru a bad patch sex is the first thing to stop. dont other ppl find this the case?
i used to do that....the last thing i want to do is shag when someones being acting like a dick...makes them think they can continue being a twat & that you'll give them what they want anyway.
i reckon its the other way round, i tend to just fuck the shit out of them about ten times a day cause i can't be arsed to listen to there craic.