Over the moon at the thoughts of Yoji and Oliver Klein coming to Promise! Haven't heard any of the others personally, but have heard good things about them. It's going to be a good year!
I think one of the reasons why Promise seems to be going from strength to strength is due to the fact the promoters listen to the clubbers! I looks like next year Promise is going to be in a league of its own next year! COME ON YOJI!
NICE JUAN!!!!! Techno revolution has started. But lots of trance too by the sounds of things. Truely brilliant.
If the Techno bookings are backed up with Magazine adverts etc. the place will be RAMMED. A good techno night is rare and its fans DO travel... Promise could take RIGHT OFF. There is defo a hole to be filled at the moment.. the rest of the UK Techno nights are in $hit holes.
didn't u say this about prog.... if techno/prog fans travel get off ur fat arse n go to leeds theres ample clubs there Its all good n well having the odd techno night.... But promise is and always should be a Trance/Hard Trance night
awwwww next years looks as if it's gonna be a good one!!!! nice one mark! cant wait to see shokk!!!!!
The likes of Tiesto and PVD are that big for their boots they wont confirm a date until about 2 weeks before hand. This is no good for a promoter of a club the size of Promise!! If you cast your mind back about 2 months ago PVD wax tbc on the web site for Oct i think. What happened to him? Did promise cancel? Unlikely!!!!! What happens when thousands of flyers go out with tiesto on them and he cancels the week b4? Signum fine they arent has big. But tiesto thats when it becomes a shitter! kind of true ! It,s that these days dj,s are doing most of there gigs in america , and they work at a months notice so makes it dificult for us van burren and ferry for instance are only doing 12 weekends out of 52 in the uk next year , so dates are tight ! instead of everyone being obssesed with the van dykk and tiestos lets remember there are loads of brilliant dj,s playing for promise @ the moment for intance yoji , johan , scott project , shokk, marco v, mike push, are all new ones plus all the wicked dj,s we have week in week out Of course were trying for dates for van dykk and tiesto but i,m a bit more relaxed about it , theres loads of talent out there and we intend to bring it to you !
more techno *ps still love me trance tho! so want that as well!!!! can we have 2hrs of trance, 2hrs of techno, 2hrs of hard house? please?
Theres enough trance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Techno much needed! Its obviously not gonna go total techy anyway!
Vath Plase book Sven Vath a.s.a.p. as i am missing him at The Orbit this weekend to take my girlfriend to Reading. Oh well at least i will get to see him. I think Promise should try to ge Korvin D and John Digweed on together. That would be a awesome night.
Some very interesting people in there, looking forward to SHOKK n Yoji a lot. Hardstyle is the way forward! Talking of Hardstyle, some other DJ's from this genre would be wikkid, how about Technoboy or Lady Dana?? Hard as Fook just how i like it U guys could be trend setters by bringing hardstyle to the UK! just remember to thank me when it goes off hehe
Re: Vath if ya havin trouble sleepin mate just go to the doctors and get some sleepin pills. i think this is a rather expensive treatment.