I from 2005 till last summer I was having horrific nightmares most nights, but they've gone now which is nice. However I have always slept walked and talked and still do. Last week my mum found me going down the stairs then bending down and looking under the sofa. She asked me what I was doing and I replied, looking for Sophie (my best mate from school) to tell her to go home, shes been here far too long and her car won't start. :spangled:
I had a really nasty one last night where Liverpool got nailed 3-6 at home by Arsenal in the league cup.
Dont generally have them nemore.... When I was younger I always had a recurrung one which involved being trapped between train lines with trains coming from all directions... I can remember wanting to wake up but never could until the trains were about to hit which is when i would wake up suddenly and be so relieved!! Apart from a disturbed childhood dunno if it meant anything :spangled: