Oh I wanna dance with somebody

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TryHard*tidyShaun, Jan 11, 2003.

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  1. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    When he played London early last year at pacha london
  2. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    did you enjoy pacha. i don't really like house music like that. it's all a bit posh for me, pacha. who else have you met?
  3. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    I like progressive and tech house, although my main love is euphoric trance and hard house.

    It was different to what I use to, I got my arm twisted to go down, and it was my first time london clubbing as well, quite different, especially the crowd.

    Yup, all very Gucci darling, lots of posers, alot of them not really there to appreciate the music, more to show off their latest gear. but I had a good night.

    I've met a fair few djs, I've work for Tidy where my job was to look after the djs, so mainly hardhouse ones, a few trance ones as well I've managed to said hello to in Crasher and Gods, not all of them have their heads up their arses, but a few do
  4. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    i like hard trance and HH aswell. not really into anything else, but i did really enjoy Joy Kitikonti the other week.

    i could never imagine myself going to somewhere like pacha. i don't think you did to go any further than Sheffield, Manchester and Liverpool for a good night clubbing. nothing as ever really interested me enouhg to go all the way to London for a night out.

    i've only really met a few of djs in promise, but Kerry James and Richard Tulip really are two of the most canny peeps you could ever meet. always got time to talk to you. unlike Corvin Dalek who is a bit of a knob.
  5. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    London has a good hard dance scene, Frantic do lead the way with regular nights timeless, convergence, hard house academy, all at camden palace or the brixton academy. They also on occassion partner up with Amsterdam HQ and run nights with them.

    Tidy back in June started their London residency at SE1 Club, the next one is in March and again is definately worth the trip down.

    But I'm not massively keen on the London scene, I find plenty going on up here. Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, they all have alot to offer, it's just a shame alot of the London people don't venture up to see just how good the scene up here is as well as down there, but you know how southerners are!!
  6. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    it's only a couple of hours away for you though to London. it's a four hour trip for me at least. Sheffield IMO is one of the best places to live in clubbing turns. it's roughly 2 hours away from all the best clubs and with GC on your doorstep you can't really have it any better. you lucky boy.

    i doubt i will be venturing very far until after visiting the white isle in July. my visits to promise will keep me going until then, we get the best djs up here anyways so i don't have move from my doorstep really.

    how many of you's is there coming up for Matt? i may have to come and say hi.

    any ideas when the listing for Ibiza will start circulating. can't wait to plan out my club visiting plan for the two weeks.
  7. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Yup, London is 2 hours away by train from Sheffield, not that far at all really, we're pretty central for clubbing with most places within easy reach.

    Have you ever been to Gatecrasher, what did you think of the place?

    Quite a few of the Crasher regs will be popping upto Promise for Hardwick next month yes, looking forward to it.
  8. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    yeah been to crasher twice. the first time was in 2001 for Seb, Judge and Eddie. M.I.K.E. was supposed to be playin but he had a really bad stomach bug. unfortunatley i got a bit too much drunk and fell a sleep on the bus, so i didn't get in until 3 o'clock. got in just in time for the judge anf then my love affair started with Eddie. he played the last hour and it was probably the best set i've ever heard.

    then the last time was in June i think for the white party. it was a class class night. AVB and Ferry b2b and the judges finish was class. we did miss Eddie though but he was playing a tech house set so i wasn't that bothered about it. it was a bit hot like. one of the best parts of the night was when the trophy twins(i think) dropped the night-train that was minto. then i got smashed on the bus back. brilliant night.

    did you go to either of them.

    i like matt, but not too sure about a 5 hour set from him though. it's good to have a change through the night IMO. i should be there and it is always a good night at promise;)
  9. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    2001, I was at the club so no doubt I was at the night you mentioned, I was there most weeks when it was weekly RIP.

    The White party, agreed that was a class night. I quite like eddies earlier tech-house sets, well at Crasher anyhow, I got sick along time ago of his late sets, Crasher pretty much abused it and he did far too many, some I can handle, some by the time he's half way through I wanna go, it all depends on my mood with eddie and his late finishes.

    Matt did a 4hour set at Crasher back in March, I missed it but hear it was a great night. We'll no doubt see next month at Promise if he can pull them off, I have every confidence in him.

    you should see Bond and Matt go back 2 back, now that's a treat for ya!
  10. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    i really wanted to go and see them on NYE but none of my mates would go with me. it sounded like it was a class night apart from Guy O. did you go then. i was really dissapointed when he didn't turn up on the 27th(Bond) and to make it worse everyone said he wouldn't play as soon as he was booked. i don't like it when djs act like that.

    eddie is quality though, but i do know what you mean about being on last. last time he was at promise he played after marco v and i was fooked by the time he came on, didn't really enjoy it that much. he is still a GOD though

    who is your fav djs and clubs etc.
  11. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Yeah New year at Crasher was amazing, it was just a shame that Guy didn't play to the era, he played a very all over the shop kind of set. He played 1 of all time faves euphoric tunes tho Wizards of the sonic which I was chuffed about.

    My favourite clubs, well Crasher, being my 'home club' n all I will always love, I've got so many fond memories from there. Bit of a Somi boy too (Insomniacz), many a time the place to be after Crasher had closed.

    I love Sundissential North, it's just a club you simply can't re-create no matter how hard you try.

    Base in Leeds is a club you want to try out, I know Gary GRH who plays there, along side the rest of the hardhouse crew you would expect to see play.

    I love Frantics' hardhouse academy at the Brixton academy, I love that venue and there's no jokers.

    I like Godskitchen but hate Code the venue, it's like a little girls clark shoe box, the crowd are abit gimpish but you get over it, lately some of their lineups have been amazing, noticably Tiesto Solo 6hr sets, the next one is in March, I highly recommend you make the trip down!

    Favourite djs, Andy Farley, Signum, Ashley Casselle, Sander Kleinenberg, Lucien Foort and BK.

    Djs, I hate with a paSSion, All the Gods residents, Picotto and sorry as I know alot of you love him, but.........John Kelly!
  12. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    i have only been to Cream, GC and Promise, so i'm not really a well traveled clubber.

    i thought that cream was class when i went. Sasha was on and played a blinding set. GC is just everything you expect it to be QUALITY. i'm not going anywhere apart from promise until after Ibiza, got to save all my pennies for that.

    never been to a HH night anywhere, apart from the stage at the GK arena event. the tidy boys were mint at the first one. the second one i was in a bit of a hole sadly so can't remember much. i don't get that bad anymore, it's just a waste of money.

    i know what you are saying about John Kelly, he does play a bit random and not everybody can take it, but he's alright in small doses. funnily enough, the one dj i hate with a passion is Picotto, he just killed the 2nd Bday at Promise.

    my favourites have got to be Eddie, Jules, Matt, Tulip, Marco V and John00. I think Joy Kitikonti deserves a mention aswell, he was class at Promise the other week
  13. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Yeah I'm off to Ibiza this year as well, tell me about it gotta save up, I don't know how I'm going to manage it because I'm more of a live for the moment spend all the cash today lad rather than be sensible and save for tomorrow, I'll have to be strong and not spend all in my pocket for the next few months. wish me luck!

    Picotto I can handle in small doses, if he does shorter sets he can be quite good, but his 6hrs for example like he has done in the past at Crasher just totally bored me to death, very repetative and definately didn't 'take me on a journey like he goes on about!

    John 00 Fleming, a great guy, and Marco V, I do love him as well, rather underrated I think which is a shame, Godskitchen anyway don't give him justice, they put him on far too early, a piss take
  14. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    the thing for me with Picotto is his album is absolutley brilliant and pulsar 2001 mix is probably my best ever tune but he never plays anything off his album when he djs, i don't know why he does that.

    i really couldn't believe how good Marco was at promise, he just blew me away(no, he didn't give me a blow job by the way):lol: it's onlt 3 weeks for him playing up here again. you wouldn't like it though cause John Kelly is playing aswell.

    are you on gurn.net. i've never been on, whats it like.

    i have to save up really badly, but i'm like you. if i've got money in the bank i just think to myself, i'll just go out tonight and start saving next week. then all of a sudden it will be fucking July and i've got no spending money:lol: :lol:
  15. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Yeah I've see Marco is getting upto promise quite abit, it's good news. Totally see your point with Picotto, he doesn't show himself off like he should when he plays with what he's done himself.

    I'm on Gurn yeah but I only ever use it now for the FAO and the serious sections, it's abit too highly paced for me in the general section anymore, they jump topics every second, abit too much for me now.

    Gurns' philosophy is, "harsh or be harshed" They're very big on the ol banter, if you want a scrap, someone will oblige and join in with ya and they won't take it to heart
  16. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    i like the idea of that on the gurn site but i like to know at least a few of the peeps i'm talking to.

    you have defo brought something different to the board lately. i hope you keep up the good work. everyone will come around to you soon.

    are we still having the dance when you come up. i may even have that pill off you now that i know a bit about you. :lol:
  17. Vin

    Vin Registered User

    Dec 29, 2001
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    1st/2nd Floor
    Is this a private conversation or can anyone else join in?
  18. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    I have my glad rags on ready, let's dance the night away

    orbit, it's an open house, come sit on my knee
  19. Miller

    Miller Registered User

    May 4, 2002
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    The Corner
    Orbit, i would never leave you out of any converstion mate. the more the merrier i say.

    NOW FUCK OFF WILL YOU and let me and Shaun bond.:lol: :lol: :D
  20. johntystar

    johntystar Registered User

    Oct 27, 2002
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    Portrush, northern ireland
    *just keepin an eye on things:D

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