oh so ur still alive are u....??!! nice to know!!! if i dont hear from u by 9.00pm friday mista i'm declaring maself single just in time 4 2morro's promise xxx
everythings sound, the place just keeps getting better and better!!!, off up to san an tonite to watch the sunset and have a :chill: got judgement sundays tommorow, amnesia monday, space closing party tuesday and then amnesia for the biggy with mr van dyk that i carnt wait for!!!
this place is unvelievable. got 4 cameras worth of photos so far to get developed when we get back. at this rate the photo development will be more expensive than our holiday!! met some canny people over here tho especially our supply guy . and i have to say, ive been carrying my eyes around my neck since them popping out all over the place...lots of stunning women!!!!! ahhhhhhhh would love to be a spider over here, times i dunno where to look .. meganite was awesome and i thought liebing was class....heard his sets etc...but BEN SIMS!!! FUCKING HELL!!! 3 deck wizardry....blew everyone away ...and picotto was pissed as hell!!!!! anyways, off for some sun, sand, sea and s....... laterz! ciao
what i 'wanted'...??!! hardly!! anyways am no way discussing all this shit ova a msg board!!! half ov friggin promise may as well be involved already and do not wish for those numbers to be increased!!!!
Picotto was pissed when we were there too Took his top off and all that! :beer: Liebing is purely class. U lucky sod
they are, and shouldnt be!!! don't like peeps knowing me biz!!! and theres someone spreading shite back home, but ill sort it when i get back!!!
me and mik have decided we dont wanna come home...too much shit being spread, too many back stabbers and too many people talking shit!!! other than that weve just come off the beach cos its been spitting.,.. as for Judge Jules and Halliwell last night, too much of the loop button on the CDJ{s...its been done to death..halliwell had the loop on for at least 5 minutes at one point thinkin he was working the crowd when really he was just producing a massive noise or buzzing sound ... and jules plays too many accapellas over the top..... full of idiots Eden!! didnt like it but enjoyed myself.
nah it aint just cos of beefa spence...its cos of some of the shit going on back home etc, if everyone knew the truth and whats been going on there would be many shocked faces and surprised people..... its pissing me off really cos all me and mik are trying to do is enjoy ourselves, now all we do is chat about this shitty situation which again i wont reiterate on here as it is not for public announcement.
oi stop dissin halliwell mr fizz or il b havin some words with ya when u get back!!! :tut: im totally jealous i wanna go back. glad yas r enjoyin it.