DODGY......... I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU...YOU SHOULD SEE THE WEATHER HERE NOW...i'm not going to be able to bring the snow to you at this rate cos i'll not be able to get my car out!
we've had 3-4 " over night and cost del has had 4-6"....its proper fluffy clod snow was 0 degrees when it was snowing last night!
have to say im liking the snow now.... looks class and its not too cold out... Got my dad with a snowball too
6 inches of the stuff in stanley ! Took me ages to clear the car....but i quite like it ! and my garden is all fresh and 'unstood' in !
When I left the hoose at 6 this morning, I went running around in circles in the street - was a good 3 inches of virgin powder... If any of the neighbours spotted the tracks I left they're gonna think I'm a loony.
As long as they don't come after me on a dark and thundery night, waving flaming torches and pitchforks in the air, and stop me from throwing a really really big switch whilst saying "we all belong dead", I don't mind them thinking I'm a loony.
my snowman is still standing in our back garden from when it last snowed his hat fell off though Tip: if you want to keep your feet dry but your trainers let in water, put your socks on and then tie a carrier bag over each foot (tie it round the ankle) then put your shoe on (or u could put another sock on over the top but sometimes this rips the bag). It works a treat!
Me and nass came back in it last night. Sudden blizard on the A1 and a huge layer of snow by the time we got to crammy. 30 minutes late for work again this morning, loving it.