try here grey&pmax=9999&countysel=ANY
My next door neighbours love birds. They have an avory in their back garden and used to have a parrot years ago. They are loud.
i had an African Grey when i lived abroad, it was called Floyd. it was awesome, he spoke and everything was quite annoying @ times tho, i took my lass ( @ the time ) back to my apartment and we just sat on the sofa watching dvd's etc and the fucker wouldn't shut up the last thing you want whilst your trying to feed the pony is a parrot shouting 'shit for brains' and 'super kev'
So they don't shout 'What do you take me for you cunt!? Get that fucking sheet off here you bastard!'
It is totally beyond me why anyone would want to keep such a beautiful creature in a tiny cage. How cruel? Plus, you do realise that African Greys can live to 100 years old? Are you sure you want to make a lifetime commitment, or will you just give it up when you are bored of it?
Wise words, my granda has a parrot that I feed when he goes away its over 70years old he got it off a friend who died. It could live for another 30 and theres no way Im inheriting the little cunt its vicious as fuck! :evil:
A. it would only be in a cage when i am out and B. Yes i know all about them i have read up as much as i need to know so i know the commitment it'll be. I'd rather a pet like that than the conventional dog, cat or rabbit or whatever