Tricks are good aye mate ive hit a dead spot at work and theres been fuck all to do these past few weeks so ive been floating about on messageboards trying to pass the day @MARC - Im dissapointed now I thought you were applying to be in the club
Re: Payday haha I thought you weren't materialistic why are you trying to impress dole rats and student with your wage?
Re: Re: Payday should of read the thread before posting... notice 9 other people noticed the same thing
Re: Re: Payday Yeah I get that alot when im out personally I cant see the resemblance. Why is that then just because im sharing a nice feeling I have im suddenly trying to impress people and im being materialistic, I think not my frend
Re: Re: Re: Payday Cos you sound like a big headed cunt. There's no need to say 'a couple of grand'. If you were just 'sharing a nice feeling' (¬) you could've said you like seeing your account on payday before the bills go out without mentioning an amount. Proper nob.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Payday Maybe I am a big headed cunt and a nob but that doesnt mean ive posted it trying to impress anyone does it, again circles matey circles round and round we go where we stop nowhere because you cant grasp that people act differently to others. Its like being in a playground on here, actually again its uncanny how similar this board is to another one I used to use
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Payday haha have other boards called you an egotistical wanker as well? if youre going from board to board and getting called a prick did it not cross your mind that all these boards could be onto something?
if you are suggesting that I'm amazed, to earn 2000 from a site thats had 20 hits (3 of which are mine) is quite a feat
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Payday No not really it may amaze you to know im liked on alot of boards just I can see similar cliquey people on this one like the other one that when someone else steps in and has an opinion they are WRONG and nothing you can say to put your point accross will make them see any different.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Payday If thats the way you want to see me then thats fine by me although you could be wrong