Im sure scruf has said this before. But I dont like wrists If someone says the words I feel really weird - I cant even look at my own it freaks me out too much.
Walking up on the gantry at work when some fucks the conveyor, they grate floor is bouncy as fuck and ovbiously see through. i get a right sense of virtigo when im up there. im not afraid of flying or being on other high stuff like roller coasters tho.
can you touch your own eyes or veins. i had a mate who jsut to cringe if anyone touched their wrists or eyes... we used to do it to wind him up
Eyes only sometimes, wrists nooooo! No veins n stuff either. Thats what the whole wrist thing is about I think. Starting to talk about it is actually freaking me out :blush:
eurgh. my flatmate is getting a tattoo on her wrist I feel queasy at the though of touching my own let alone someone putting a needle into someone elses... think its something to do with the thinness of the skin with me..
It definately is about the skin for me. U can see all the veins too as well it would just be absolutely wrong to get a tattoo there?! Im scared thinking of it!
I said your picture? Am I right in saying its your picture, it appears under your name? Did I say it was you.... Point made
Not much now i think about it. Definately not any of the weird crap you's lot are scared of I sometimes freak out when i'm in the house on my own and it's dark One time I came in and went to the sink in the kitchen which is unfder the window of the back garden and when i looked up I thought i'd just seen someone running past the window and about to open the door and i just froze for ages and couldn't do anything. I nearly shit myself and ever since I get random spells of panic where i think someone is behind me when i'm going up the stairs etc I'm not too fond of looking in the garden when it's dark now either.
Walking by myself when its dark, I even get taxis to Katies house (although I think laziness is also included) It starts on 70p n by the time I get to Katies it hasnt even gone up to a pound I hate spiders and other critters. I don't really like dogs either! They scare me