!! They can be quite scary mind! Im just laughing thinking of us doing that face we do when something crazys going on... Like when one of ur mates has a dog and u go in and it starts jumping up...
Pidgeons...............I swear the one's on Northumberland Street have got some sort of vendetta towards me
i'm a sympathy puker...it landed in someones hair once i also hate mushrooms...they give me the hebbbieee gebbbbiees
accidentally touch jills knee and she will take your head off as a matter of reflex. put a spider in my room and i'll scream for the nearest braveheart to come and rescue me.
i get that, where you think somets after you in your own house, had it ever since i can remember. im not scared of darkness or my house in particular but there was always a feeling somet could possibly be there. i remember being at my mates house a few year back and at the bottom of his stairs he has a really low sperical lamp shade, anyway the moonlight shone through the window when i was walking down blind as a bat and i looked up and about 6 inched from my face was this headshaped ball. i froze for a few seconds until i realised what it was.
not found anything i'm scared of yet, but i'm sure if i came face to face with a lion in the wild i'd be rather afraid