nah not can't see the needle i wanted that done form being 16...before the belly button & tongue idea
why do people say get your clit done? they don't pierce your clit if they did, you would probably die of pain the clit is to sensitive to get pierced. They pierce the skin next to it, and tbf its looks shit, all piercings look shit except ears and belly button. And guys should never get anything pierced its just wrong.
at one point my mate had his cock,nipple, eye and tongue done. not once have i known him to have one in his ear. hes took the cock one out now.
you can get your actual clit pierced, but there is a risk of losing sensation there, or it increasing sensation too much so you end up coming randomly - which has its plus points I guess Otherwise they pierce the small flap of skin that covers the clit, the hood, or one of many variations. If asked I usually just say the clit though as explain what the hood is can get a bit graphic, especially over Sunday's dinner.. see link for various genital piercings (female) including clit PRINCESS JANE
something has to go wrong in childhood for you to want to mutilate your genitals im sorry but your all freaks
really it doesn't look need to see one... Princess jane - it's so is about that... Pike - Yes I am a freak but since you are as well you don't have much room to talk