can't remember, used to run the streets of parkside with rossy and co though in yr10 haha the days of drinking vodka through my eye and having to go to hospital
thats mad i used to run around a mental hospital called parkside it was mint we would get fucked and get chased by mental cases it was a laugh a minute
15. One of my mates had a house party, his older sister and her boyfriend were supervising to make sure nothing got trashed and we'd had a few bottles of stella on the way down, and I'd got quite mashed... To cut a long story short, his sister's boyfriend organised a drinking competition where we were split into two teams and given a can of carling each. You had to down the can and then stick it upside down on your head. Except when it came to me, I opened the can and put it on my head upside down without drinking any of it
4 cans of 8% white cider when i was about 15 - I got my YOUNGER brother to buy it for me from the corner shop because i was too chicken and necked it on a friday night in my bedroom. I then barfed up. Funny how something so simple seemed so important then - everyone was in such a rush to 'act older' ............. seems a bit pointless now, although its one of those things people feel the need to get 'under their belt' in order to feel accepted. I stick to special brew now - none of this cheap white cider malarky.
12/13. On the Sea front on what we call 'The links' Its like a big grass bit before the beach. I think we probly went down to 'The shelters' where everyone used to hang about. Im mortified re-living it in my head. Cos we live near the beach we used to always go there and make bon fires n stuff Anyways the culprit was two litres of white lightening with an extra litre free which I think I probably spilled all over the floor After consuming most of it I was sooo drunk then went home with my mate Lucy who was equally drunk and stumbled into the house! My mum was quite shocked I think at the time. Doesnt surprise her now though....:angel2:
I used to do that all the time out of my parents drink cabinet...a "cocktail" of gin and vodka usually, then we'd go to a village hall style disco or ice skating. I was probably about 15 i think
I was 13 at a friends birthday party followed by some fields when i was 14 on a bottle of 20/20 (straight) & a bottle of white lightening
I was about 11/12 at my mates house. Her mam was a bit of an alchy and was cool as fook with letting us do anything we wanted basically! She used to make us cider punch and stuff! Afte rthat it was all downhill with bottles of vodka in parks and stuff
i had a mate whos mam was exactly the same. we used to go to her house and her mam would open the wine and go to the shops for us.
13 on new years eve with Jill's sister Alison slipping me orange looking drinks which i was getting away with for a bit.. 1st time totally hammered: Butlins aged 13 2nd time and most times after that: with Rossy, Pete & Scotty (+loads more) hanging round the streets of glorious cramlingtonia aged 14. When I look back I think of hanging round on the streets as pretty pikey, but we caused no bother at all and we did it for most weekends for about a year. It was always the quarter bottles of vodka which did us fine because we were never sick but always pissed. after a while rossy decided it was time to 'upgrade' to sharing 1/3 each - game over. Him and Batey never learned, on the new year Batey was sick out my window down the wall. took months to rain the stain off i still maintain those were some of our best times together, it was such a laugh and always in good spirits (literally) until i accidentally came close to killing myself on it, then we calmed down a bit.. funnily enough the ambulance crew who came to see to me thought i'd taken pills but no, half a litre on an empty stomache is apparently quite dangerous.. no one told me
The 1st time i got drunk,(I was 14) i gave a quid to this older lad called Ian and asked him to get me a small bottle of diamond white. I thought if i sipped it slowly i could join in drinking with everyone but not get drunk, as i had to go babysitting later on. However Ian (who fancied me and was a dog ) came out with a massive bottle of merrydown for me. I didn't realise how much i had drunk of it as it was going down really nicely, until i tried to stand up. I had a wee in the bushes I snogged Ian :sick: My friend tried to sober me up by making me drink a pint of milk Then i went home and was sick in the kitchen and my mum belted me so hard i spun round the kitchen. But........... I didn't have a hangover
Houghton Park in the 80's..... I had long hair and 28" flares. Rachael MacMann let me feel her tits threw her jumper the same night