follow the gamespot link i posted above, scroll to the bottom and choose to watch the whole e3 press conference video. it's nearly 2 hours long but i've just finished watching it and i've gotta say im suitably impressed, the real time unreal tournament bit is im still not taken with the whole george foreman grill look but in terms of spec, it's got nearly twice the kick of xbox 360, and maybe the look will grow on me heres a link that compares the specs of the PS3 and xbox, if any one is interested. anyone know what this means, the spec for PS3 second processor is 1 Core, 7 x SPE 3.2GHz (256KB SRAM per SPE), 7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs, does that mean it has 7 processors in it, all running a 3.2GHz, i'm confused that can't be right.
no, the cell has 8 'spe's' (one is redundant) need less to say it's exteremely impressive but it doesnt have 7 processors @ 3.2
spe means 'synergistic processing element' - it's all architecture talk basically - they are reffered as spe cores, in that 2 hour video they have an architecture diagram showing the chips basic arrangement / buses etc, and that show better what the spe's actually do. but in simple terms The Cell is a central PowerPC core surrounded by a number of "cores" that aren't true processor cores but are more flexible vector units (the spe's). if you are willing to read some very technical documents look here:
that ps3 is fucking sexual i will defo be getting one and me pitiful 28 in widescreen will have to be upgraded to a hdtv.
it's hard to say, using clock speed as a power indicator isnt really an accurate indication anymore, but i will put my head on the block and say we wont find chips that match the ps3 cell for quite some time. if anyone has the time, watch that video, they compare it's processing / graphical abilities against the best out there atm and nothing, absolutely nothing even comes close to it. put a top of the line amd fx55 64bit cpu alongside it, and it gets thrashed beyond belief - i wouldnt expect cell based processors for pc anytime soon, but they are bound to happen.
The RSX (ps3 gfx card) is more powerful than two GeForce 6800 Ultra video cards, those cards are fucking mint on their own. gonna be some serious eye candy if the developers can pull their fingers out.
i couldn't get those videos it says I need to register. in fact when I click on the link it says it can't find it.
on a similar note, i've just found a video of the nintendo 'revolution' which looks erm... different :spangled: