
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by loopyloosy, Nov 23, 2006.

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  1. Alexander

    Alexander Registered User

    Jun 12, 2002
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    i don't believe in religion and i'm really happy in life. I think its just a big load of lies.
  2. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Do they mention seed?

    The lineage of moshiach has nothing to do with inheritance and everything to do with bloodline... Judaism is huge on this (I'm a cohen - even 2000 years later only cohens can do certain acts in a synagogue).

    unlucky for the jews ;)

    Didn't you just say that only christians get to heaven?

    Jewish philosphy tells us that g-d isn't a geezer in heaven that drifts in and out of temples - but that he is everything, think of him like energy... modern science has taught us that anything that has inertial mass also has energy (within every object is an incomprehendable amount of energy)... This energy acts as a great metaphor for g-d.

    We don't believe that he dwelled exclusively in the temple, we believed he is everywhere... When g-d spoke to the jews at mt sinai he didn't speak in a big boomy voice from the heavens... our sages teach us that everything resonated with the words of hashem.

    I'm game, although I can't daven with y'all - that would be worshipping false prophets and all that jazz ;)
  3. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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  4. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    That is similiar to my beliefs, in that we are all products of the same universe experiencing itself. Technically on a simplistic level we are "just" particles of the universe, doing exactly that but whether or not that has any implications on reality(s?) is another thing alltogether, call that god/mother nature if you will (semantics really) but I don't think it would exactly implement any of the common notations of god or allow for a heaven/hell/inherintly evil type scenario, just random chance and constant experience.

    I'm well zen pass me the DMT.
  5. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    at the end of the day you either take it on faith that modern cosmology is right or that theology is right. There is no way of proving unequivocally that the big bang happened or that god exists. I don't believe there is a god, it seems too good to be true to me but I don't mind what anyone believes.
    It's just when it impinges on society that I get against it.

    The religious can't help acting on their beliefs and sicerely think that god has a right and a wrong way that he wants us to act and therefore anyone who acts against that is offending god and should be stopped.

    This leads to various forms of authoritarian bullshit from a mild no alcohol through no sex if you are not married to no abortion.
    various groups think that music should be banned. and dancing. so I'm guessing most people on this board would find that hard to take.
    My point is that once you believe you have found the absolute truth then there is nothing to stop you carrying out any atrocity as long as you believe that god wants you to do it. Which goes for everything from the crusades to modern jihad.

    believe anything you like just don't tell me how to live my life

    It is only due to the Enlightenment that we have democracy, womens rights, gay rights, modern medcine, and so many other freedoms that we take for granted and if religion makes a comeback that is all threatened.
  6. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    and finally.............................

    Randy Newmans 'That's Why I Love Mankind'
    or gods song

    "Cain slew Abel, Seth knew not why
    For if the children of Israel were to multiply
    Why must any of the children die?
    So he asked the Lord
    And the Lord said:

    Man means nothing, he means less to me
    Than the lowliest cactus flower
    Or the humblest Yucca tree
    He chases round this desert
    'Cause he thinks that's where I'll be

    That's why I love mankind

    I recoil in horror from the foulness of thee
    From the squalor and the filth and the misery
    How we laugh up here in heaven at the prayers you offer me

    That's why I love mankind

    The Christians and the Jews were having a jamboree
    The Buddhists and the Hindus joined on satellite TV
    They picked their four greatest priests
    And they began to speak
    They said, "Lord, a plague is on the world
    Lord, no man is free
    The temples that we built to you
    Have tumbled into the sea
    Lord, if you won't take care of us
    Won't you please, please let us be?"
    And the Lord said
    And the Lord said

    I burn down your cities-how blind you must be
    I take from you your children and you say how blessed are we
    You all must be crazy to put your faith in me
    That's why I love mankind
    You really need me
    That's why I love mankind
  7. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I didn't realise it had to be one or the other?

    Just for the record, the big bang you speak of - very few modern cosmologists would commit to it; they'll tell you that the universe is expanding at the present and has expanded in the past - but most accept that big bang theory is a THEORY.

    Its nothing more than guess work.
  8. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I quite like this post, reminds me of my profound psychadelic days ;)

    This is pretty close to my beliefs - but with the big guy thrown in.
  9. andy_rocks

    andy_rocks Registered User

    Dec 2, 2003
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    Here's a tricky one:

    Fundamental movement of particles is inherently predictable.

    Your brain (and everything else in the entire universe) is based on particles moving and interacting.

    Therefore, if you knew the exact speed and position of every particle at the beginning of the universe, and had a big enough computer, you could calculate everything that would happen, right down to your own thoughts now.

    There's no point worrying about whether you'll get a Mondeo or Vectra.....it's already been decided! Except you can't choose not to worry either of course.

    I love this idea :D
  10. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    weren't you arguing the opposite of this a week ago when you were aligning yourself with chaos theory?

    Everything can't be both constant and chaotic...

    If you actually decided on a theory instead of spurting the latest ones you read it would make debating with you a hell of a lot easier ;)
  11. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    has it not been proven that you CANT predict where any 1 particle is at any one time? i'm sure some scientist said this, hindesomething.... thats why transporters in 'star trek' would never work.

    or something. :dunce:
  12. andy_rocks

    andy_rocks Registered User

    Dec 2, 2003
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    You're confused with the Heisenberg principle - it states that it is impossible to measure both speed and position accurately, that doesn't mean that a particle doesn't have both an exact speed or position, quite clearly they do ;)
  13. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Therefore, if you knew the exact speed and position of every particle at the beginning of the universe, and had a big enough computer, you could calculate everything that would happen, right down to your own thoughts now

    your words not mine.
  14. andy_rocks

    andy_rocks Registered User

    Dec 2, 2003
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    If you imagine a particle moving from point A to point B, and measure the time it takes to do that then you can accurately measure its velocity.

    However, if you took a snapshot of the particle traveling inbetween A and B you can then measure its position accurately - but you have no idea what speed it is traveling at from that snapshot.

    The longer you look at the particle for, the more accurate the velocity measurement, but the more inaccurate the position, and vice versa.

    This isn't the same as chaos theory, which talks about difficulty of predicting something increasing exponentially with time (I think) - this is also true, but by the nature of infinity, things will never become infinitely unpredictable.

    Clearly the problems of measurement and computing power mean that you couldn't actually predict thoughts - but it's interesting to ponder exactly how free our choices are - we have no independent mechanism to control the interactions that occur in our decision-making centres of the brain as I see it. Like how a computer can't generate a truly random number - only pseudorandom.
  15. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Andy I'm quoting you, I haven't put forward any of my own theories... I just found it comical that you called me confused when i was responding to comments you'd made :D

    If my auntie had a dick she'd be my uncle...
  16. andy_rocks

    andy_rocks Registered User

    Dec 2, 2003
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    I stand by all my comments, they are all accurate, and in fact don't contradict each other - if you think they do, then you are confused :D

    My prediction-from-the-beginning-of-the-universe plan is obviously theoretical - that's why I ignored the issues of computing power, accurate measurement, and the fact that we can't go back in time to do it.

    Rather, it was to illustrate the point that I'm not sure such thing as free-will exists in the most literal sense :D
  17. wallyjumblat

    wallyjumblat Registered User

    Jul 24, 2003
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    Re: Pointless

    Woah there lil donkey !

    ok loose ! life is what you make of it , how you dela with situations , choices that you make and weather or not you have fun is down to you ... Yeah fine some people may live to work and be all about there jobs but what else do they have .... those of us whop work simply to earn enough money to ghet what we need and have a laugh are the ones whgo end up happy ... prime example you and the hubby .... neither of you know what you want to do for a living all you want is to have enough money to have fun and enjoy your marrige !

    We are all here to simoply live .... to many people spend there time questioning there own exsistence instead of simply living life , its not about how much money you have , how many shags you got or how many times you climbed a mountain .... its about friends , family , love , fun and touching peoples lives .

    imho !

  18. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Again if my auntie had a dick she’d be my uncle…

    Just admit that your first comment was idiotic, it’s like saying “if man acquired all the knowledge in the universe he’d know everything”… There’s no way of knowing whether you’d find the origin of the universe if you traced the path of every particle within this space time continuum… It’s a theory (and a weak one at that).
  19. andy_rocks

    andy_rocks Registered User

    Dec 2, 2003
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    Its certainly not idiotic - it illustrates the point I'm trying to make about free will, and is a logical extrapolation of the reasoning behind my views.

    I'm not quite sure what the argument you're making is...either that I'm altogether wrong, in which case can you please provide evidence that particle movement is not inherently predictable or that there are events not based on particle movement, or that I was wrong to hypothesise about things I can't design an experiment to prove - in which case theoretical physics would never have advanced far as a specialty ;)
  20. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Andy your comment is like saying "If I asked g-d why he created man, I'd know the meaning of life"... Its nonsensical its based purely on ill-concieved assumption and moronic guess work.

    You can't dismiss religion because of its lack of proof with one hand while introducing theories like this with the other.

    I'm not passing judgement on your theories, I'm merely illutsrating your hypocricy :D

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