Privelege In Sunderland Tonight NE1?!?!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sleepy, Mar 23, 2002.

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  1. roby


    Apr 1, 2002
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    Oh I see,Trance is good music then???Is that what this is all about,its up its own ass,tooo serious tooo white.
    U know that the dj from chambers now plays @ harleys,Iwonder if hes doin the school days nite with timmy mallet???
  2. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Trance is good yeah...on the whole.
    There is a LOT of shite about tho.
    For me tho its house music all the way....still have time for good trance tho.

    LOL....i could not fukkin believe what i saw last time i was in harleys.....timmy mallet doing that school days night......arghhhh! Wots that all about?!?!??!

    I wasnt getting at u mind Tubes...dont tek wot i said the wrong way.

    Just pisses me off that we dont have a good night @ any of the clubs in good nite i mean playing good proper music.

    Can see where ur coming from tho, totally. You gotta play what the management and punters want else theres no point.

    I dunno how the guys at Privelege work but would there be no chance at all of them allowin at least one night to be 'no-cheese' ???

    Monday-Thursday would be need to have words :D
  3. Ramma


    Jan 28, 2002
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    It's been a laugh reading this. :D

    It is a pain finding decent places to go in Dear Old Sunderland.

    Anyone ever tried Headshots at the McEwans Centre in Houghton? It's on first Saturday of every month or at least it was. Always wanted to find out what it was like.
  4. roby


    Apr 1, 2002
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    I have tried,mondays were a student r+b based nite but as soon as local peeps heared bout it,it changed.The mo locals u have the mo u have to play 4 them,they expect it and so does the bosses @ privilege,so it ends up like any other nite.
    The reason none of the clubs dont play less comercial is cos all the peeps who fill the clubs go to the same pubs and demand the same tunes,the djs have no choice but play them.
    then they hit the clubs and expect the same again. I can guarantee the first tune im asked 4 is shakira or westlife or something or truelove.U wouldnt believe it but if one of us plays 3 dance tunes in a row,we,ll be told too much dance next tune wil be pop/pap.There is such a lot (900) of peeps to please that u have to keep changin it to keep intrest and the dance floor full.
    There is such a lot of ££££ involved/invested in clubs that u cant afford not to be busy so u try to please the majority all the time,and your bosses to keep your job.
    It will be interesting to see how annabel does,has anyone been?? whats the music policy??
    Also mon nites down in brogans 2 djs play real quality house,Aidy+Ben but knowone goes.
    But as far as the music policy in privilege,u have to consider that the majority like the music cos they ask 4 it, its the charts,they buy them tunes,and when they r in brogans they sing em.
    When I first got into comercial dj ing i was told "were not here to educate people"and that is mo aparent now.
  5. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Aye...see wot your saying there. The nights might start off cool but as soon as the locals start filtering in they start ranting and raving for that stuff they just been singing away to on the Radio!!!

    3 dance songs in a row and theyre on your back?? Wow...didnt realise it was like that! Awch.

    I must admit tho whenever im in Priv the place is packed and the dancefloor's always full and having a good'un! So i guess the stuff you're told to play does it for the majority of the people in there....and moaning cunts like me will just have to grin n bear it :D

    Annabels used to be really really not sure about now...but it used to be Paul Barnes and Michael Balch (spellin?!).
    Michael used to get the place going with quality funky house and then paul used to come on later and play some quality trance n harder house. Then Michael used to come back on for the last half hour or so and wind down with some more funky house.

    Used to really enjoy my nites in 'Bells. Until all of the annoying arrogant gets started to filter into there!! Thats one thing in priv that really impresses me....there seems to be very few annoying dick heads in there looking for fights!!!!

    Back to 'Bells tho...i havent been in since its been re-opened. Altho a few of my mates have been in and say the place looks the business now....wasnt given any idea of what the music policy is may be the same..

    Be interesting to see what happens now tho cos no-dubt bells reopening will have some sort of impact on the priv ccrowd.....for how long being the question..

    Have been into Brogans on a monday nite a few times aye...and enjoyed the mmusic BUT as u say its atmosphere...which is a shame...

    Im gonna stop typing now as well cos my fingers r bloody killing...and my tea's ready and it smells too nice to leave any longer!!!
  6. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    I cant say i have tried it mate...

    Be interested to see if anyone has any comments tho ??
  7. G.H.


    Nov 11, 2001
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    I was there a few weeks back and the music was top quality. I was really suprised with the place too, it sounded great, looks great and the people there weren't what I was expecting to find in Sunderland (sorry, but I'm sure you know what I mean). Straight after we walked in a guy hooked up his saxophone and started jamming with the dj! It was class. I was talking to the dj after his set and it turns out he used to play on Kiss FM back in Dublin and I could tell why.

    It runs every other Friday, with the next one being a week on Friday, the 12th. I'm proud to say I'll be playing too, think I've got the last hour (12 till 1) which is a bit unlucky when your payment is a free bar! I'll playing tech-house/progressive stuff.

    Definitely not too be missed, and thats not just a shameless plug for me playing, its a quality night and I hope it does well whether I play or not.
  8. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Sounds awesome mate.
    Problem being, its a Friday...arghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Friday = Promise = My New Home = Uh Oh for anywhere else :D

    Change the night to another one :)
  9. G.H.


    Nov 11, 2001
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    Not sure what your getting at Roby. I don't really like Trance (and I'm not judging it, just personal opinion) but I know that the majority of this board do and thats probably what their looking for in a night.
  10. mr grimes

    mr grimes

    Jan 6, 2002
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    with the dead dogs
    i have been, i went a few weeks ago. was realy good and didnt expect to see any cool people in their but the was a few. plus the sax guy is well cool started jaming along to billie jean.

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