Miss out on most of the lairyness sitting down though. Are they really strict on it? i know someone that's sitting and doesn't want to
I wouldn't of though so. Can't see someone walking through the crowd asking to see your ticket. "Sorry mate, you've got a seating ticket. Go sit in the corner over there!" - Fuck off!
Also miles better than the chems. if for no other reason then loads of people have grown up listening to their music, all the old stuff was some of the first dance music i listened to when i was younger.
loads of stuff. i just dont get live dance music at all. I dont even buy artist albums. i would make an exception for Akufen or Nathan Fake live but thats it.
i lasted 2 songs before getting my arse kicked, i was only 15 i think at the time lol. some bloke challenged me, i thought he just wanted to run into each other and jump about, but nah he had other ideas, i ran towards him and he right hooked me one straight across the jaw i've never ran so fast in my life
i would like to say i've been in a slayer mosh pit at Donnington in '95 i jumped up as someone came down on my foot.... ripped the bottom of my tatty converse trainers....... 11+ hours at a festival with 1 shoe it not recommended but mettalica ROCKED!
yes i have to agree, far more thrashy some of the early vocals are wel funny tho with them only being young