Professional Web Design

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Swana, Jan 19, 2006.

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  1. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    I agree with you bud totally, i do use dreamweaver, but only as a strict code editor in developer mode (especially D8) and obviously the site manager with check in/out if im working in a team of course.

    anyhow, maybe i am building up that simple website as it sounds it is only for advertising... but thats the thing, does the B&B owner actually know what he wants and why he wants it? How is he going to promote the website? Will he be requiring booking facility? How will he administrate it? Does he really need certain features? What hosting does he have? Is it secure?

    Theres lots of other questions to ask to come out with the correct solution, and thats where simply learning dreamweaver just doesnt cut it to build a website.

    (think its just my pet hate towards these millions of wanabe web designers or those that think they can knock a website up in a day since taking a week course in dreamweaver and get paid hundreds for it putting us professionals out of business)

    I mean, do any of these people know what the 'design process' is? Do they use a pencil to sketch out designs and ideas? brainstorming.....research? nope probably not...
  2. Swana

    Swana Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    I draw mine out first yes! :wink:

    Interesting discussion going on....

    At the end of the day its basically an advert for their B&B not a chunky corporate website with bells and whistles.
    So in this case any schmuck with skills in Dreamweaver could probly knock something up for em which would suffice.

    If this has the desired effect (ie. increase in business) they might then look to having a professional site done with an online booking system if the demand is there.

    Until then, the ord dog and bone and electronic mail will have to do em!! :p
  3. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    There's no point making things out to be bigger than they are. That way nobody gets what they want apart from the web designer's bank account :lol: :p

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