fukin hell its a nasty set stairs like. dont reckon junior g will ever be like that. unless it gets foundation to re-open some how and takes that over.
Thats shit that like! should make a wax museum containing its regulars and resident djs in hilarious pose's
wonder what twisted face they'd put on me or rossy if we had figure after us not enough wax in the world for rossy's facial grapplings!!!
correct me if im wrong but i think there's a pretty good chance the digital business itself will be handling finances - tulip will have a say but i doubt he deals with the wonga, mr stoney broke perhaps..
Yes but there were still DJ's out there who weren't that shit and still rammed the club. Dave Pearce, John Kelly and Jules hardly kept Promise off its arse.
Think they'd have enough to choose from. I reckon it would be you with a shocked expression on your face, after me leaning in to talk to you and putting my hand on your record, with me recoiling with an equally as shocked yet slightly more battered expression as I made the record skip when you were DJ'ing at Promise NYD, possibly in 2005.
the likes of Dave Pearce, John Kelly and Jules played 9 time out 10 on the weekends that are knowing to be slow i.e mid months, summer or just after Christmas. people slated Promise for putting them on but its the equivalent to any other business doing deals thru slow periods to keep sales up and face it, it worked for them for years. Clubs have been doing it for years and will keep on doing it
I dont know what deal richard has, but the norm was the promotor pays for the hire of the club and staff, flyers, dj's and any other cost of night, the promoter get the money of the door, the club keeps the profit from the bar, sometimes they reduce the cost (or scrap) the cost of the club hire if you get a set amount of people thru the door (think it was 600 people when we looked in to foundation)
yeah it varies from place to place. Iv herd that some places giv a percentage of drink takings I was speaking tulip after a junior g one night and he was saying he was in a bit of debt with promise and just making his way out. this was about 2 weeks (maybe more) before evolve's first night.
Foundation, the true home of Promise! Digital is tremendous but personally i think Foundation created a better atmosphere, better feeling & basicly a better night:worship:
i remember the look of pure horror on ya face when u did that!! if i remember right i wasnt too impressed :evil: