naaaa - am not sayin i dislike them for it - its up2 them at the end of the day, i just think its wrong for them to have it done....
Its messing about with what nature intended us to look like, im sticking by my guns here, its WRONG! ps. i know nature didnt intend for sum ppl to have big tits, small noses etc...and they change this, but thats different, thats more like enhancement than replacement........
But it isn't wrong. It's obvious that nature intended to make Nadia a woman, but cocked it up (no pun intended!). As I said, just because it's not a typical norm, doesn't mean it's wrong. Should she have had to stay a man just because some people don't agree with it?? Don't think so. It's alrite for some of us to slag her off but you (plural, including me) can't ever understand what she's been through. In her position you would do the same thing, and bollocks to what everybody else thinks.
the reason they all won is because of public sympathy...... beeing gay or trans gender isnt likely to bother many 18-40 year olds as there a lot more open minded now, theres still a homophobic culture with a lot of over 40's. People vote for gays and transexuals becuase there made to feel sorry for them. Which is wrong imo.
Nature didn't intend for us to do anything that we are doing now. Do you think it would be a good idea to stop administrating drugs and performing surgery, etc, on sick/disabled people? Nature intends them to die, not to be healed. P.S. What someone else does is frankly NONE OF YOUR/OUR BUSINESS. *starts smiling again*
Nah, i think thats very unfair....and a load of crap imo. I dont feel sorry for someone if they are gay :spangled: dodgy - That was going to be my next point actually, it's exactly the same principal.
Re: Public opinion I dont think we should use the people who text & ring in Big Brother as source of how the British public is thinking.
Gays and tranny's tend to be more "Queeny" and melodramatic...specially when they get on the tele i reckon. I dont think it's about acceptance, its about who's more entertaining
I think people voted for Nadia because they didn't feel sorry for her. She came across as being very strong. A bit melodramatic for me, but that's my personal opinion. What's more, I have known a couple of t/s people myself, but have never quite been able to get past thinking that they used to be a man. Not so with Nadia, I always considered her to be a woman first and foremost.
thats my kinda thoughts, can't normally get passed it, still usually see them as almost drag queens. however altho i still can't get passed the thought nadia was a man, i probs look on her as a woman. did know a guy at uni though who went for the op, had the hormone treatment for 6 months then they showed him a video of the operation. he said "i might feel like a woman, but no1 is gonna do that to my dick!!!" he chickened out and didn't go thru wi the op in the end.
I think Nadia deserved to win in a way- its tookher a lot of bottle to go on to the show, knowing when she came out everyone would know her secret! Rather Dan won thou!
This was a toungue in cheek thread... it wasn't meant to be serious But hey, its the first serious debate thread for a while
nail on the head. the annoying little wenches at work are all... 'oh she sooo deserves to win.. shes been through soo much' and 'shes a real woman now' you get the picture.. and its always women that vote for these things.. i wanted victor to win :strop:
You have a fairly weak argument mate IMO. It's not messing with nature, it's fixing what Nature started and didn't finish. What about, for example, people born with life threatening diseases who desperately need bone marrow transplants? By your logic, swapping their bone marrow is "not as nature indented and messing with nature" So would you rather see them die? It's the same principal, obviously you don't die from being a transsexual but the underlying principal remains the same. The operations, on both parts, are done to improve the quality of the lives of the people it affects, and nobody should have the right to say who can and who can't improve the quality of their life.
Re: Re: Public opinion That the black and asian communities do not participate in voting? They would probably gain more votes from their own ethnic communities... that may be controversial but i'd say its true that people will vote when they see something in common with someone.