I bet he's laughing all the way to the bank the way he's managed to flog a dead horse of a shit tune for all these years.
Great cheesy stuff that always puts a smile on ur face. Notice how for our generation it was probably the first type of dance music u were exposed to
They came to my school when I was there doing a promotion on drugs awareness. One of the group members apparently died doing drugs?! Anyway, at the time, Kappa tracksuits were all the rage QFX had a few of them in the people carrier they arrived in. Needless to say, they were not in the people carrier by the time they left. Was amusing watching people come to school in their "new" jackets!
Yeah, it was one of their dancers. Apparently, took a dodgy E or something when they were doing a gig over Christmas. That's what I remember anyway. Wouldn't have fancied jumping around on stage with those dodgy tracksuits they wore. The dancer probably overheated.
The 'Old Skool' slow motion type body popping was fucking hilarious. QFX had some nice dancers though
Hmm, Otterdam Terror Stoats Ive got a video of them from Judgment Day @ Newcastle Uni. Very nice !!! heh
there is no such thing as a rancid girl when your 16 years old and full of speed, especially when she has her tits out