i'm not disputing that they have influenced them if u remember rightly i said they didn't impersonate (or something like that) The Jam or The Who........ what makes u say i'm part of the MTV generation? :cofused:
your narrow minded ill informed out look on music. You consider the stereophonics and ocs as great bands ffs
Ruth there isn't a respectable music publication that isn't singing their praises... what planet do u inhabbit?
jesus christ your a numbskull... On the whole whole if the respected music media (be it guitarist, x-ray, nme) all sing a bands talent their tends to be something to that band, take The Strokes, The White Stripes, etc. You dismissed the darkness as being shit (for which reasons?) - I was merely pointing out people with respectable opinions tend to disagree with u. I was listening to the darkness before the current hype... No1 on this board had heard of them when I first started mentioning them u hairy shim... How am I jumping on a band wagon?!?!? I can't help it if I'm too damn trendy for my own good
Oh dear Mr Cohen Not wanting to get at you here Joseph, because i agree with you that Ocean Colour Scene are the most bland, unimaginative, insult to music that i can possibly think of. Sorry to point this one out, but you actually called Ocean Colour Scene "respectable". On this very board. Only 3 months ago. See below. http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?s=&postid=242059&highlight=ocean#post242059 Still, at least you have now discovered the error of your ways. Perhaps the ket was still addling your brain.
Removes foot from mouth I kinda look like a tit, I'll try to explain my hypocracy as best I can being a big fan of mod rock I gave ocr a respectable tag as they are a step in the right direction - I can listen to their music (otherwise I wouldn't of downloaded the songs) however.... the title of real music irritated me as they're just an immitation of previous acts which done the sound much better. I am a hypcrit - but I do have reasoning
After reading this thread, i just remembered what you had said back then, because i remember at the time being shocked that you liked them. So i had to embarass you. Was just too easy.