That isn't really true now is it! the whole idea is that no matter what you have done, as long as you truely are sorry and regret it, then you will be forgiven! Although I do agree a lot of the things the church frown upon are way outdated!
I believe in what I see nowadays, too many bad things have happened for me to believe in god or anything else, most of my family are very religious, I am a Catholic but I don't go to church or anything anymore.
same hear seen too many things bad things happen to my family to belive in anything its all bollocks you live to die simple as that
Used to be religious but many of the people around the church and christianity are so fucked up and self-rightous (sp) that I lost most of my faith a while ago. Some of the things people do and the double standards sicken me. I have met some really sound people there too, people who a genuine and dont thrust their beliefs in your face, so its basically a persons interpretation of what they have in front of them. The bible can be read in so many ways and made to mean so many things. Thats why there are different denominations. I think there is definately truth in there somewhere but not enough to make me want to change who I am. As for god. I believe there has to be something, I mean if we die and thats it then there is nothing to fear in death and life is pointless. If there is a god then at least something happens. Either way im not afraid of dying.
im a roman catholic. got my first holy communion and all that. went to catholic schools. used to hav to go to church every sunday with my mam til i was bout 13ish (somethin like that i cant remember)
tbh religion seems to be dying out, you have everyones parents who still go etc, but all the kids who are brought up to live a religious life just stop going as soon as they leave school or are old enough to have a choice.
I agree, my kids will be Chrisened(sp) Catholic and Communed but as soon as they get to a certain age its their decision whether they want to keep it up or not.
this may sound absolutely stupid, but the main reason i stopped going to church was because it was plain boring
I believe there is/are no god/gods/divine beings. I have no idea how the universe is here or why it exists (thinking about where it is sends me almost insane when I'm not quite with it). All I believe in is chemistry and physics (then again, quantum theory makes me lose sleep at night. And don't get me started on Schroedinger's Cat. I cat's tho' ). All that we are is a bunch of chemicals that by chance replicate themselves. Unfortunately, during evolution these bunches of chemicals managed to think for themselves, and that's when the problems started. It's all rather depressing.
Its the way it is presented. Its dull at times. It doesnt have to be that way tho. However, I cant stand the christians that think they are "down with the kids" because they are the most annoying and misinformed of the lot!
It was a way of life for me until I was old enough to make my own decision, I started playing footy and doing other stuff(drugs) on the weekends so I didnt have time for church anymore, I was also old enough to think about what I really believed instead of what I had been taught to believe from older family members and scholl teachers if u know what I mean?