Well if there is a God then im going straight to hell !! I really dont beleive in this stuff. I beleive the stuff in the bible does make sense and I do believe that Jesus really exsisted but I think he was jus a very intelligent doctor or sumthing or a magician and liek people thought he was a big healer etc and it just spread like chinese whispers that he was sum sort of son of God! I am a hypocrit tho because I do celebrate christmas (and all the rest) wen i dont actually beleive in God butttt what can ya do
The only thing that gets me really is...I beleive in the big bang theory but what scientists say is about the human eye...they say it is so finely made and like would basically be impossible to just get made n that the detail looks like its been made by sum1 else....if that makes sense!
Woah i honestly didnt know scientists had said that Jess...then again..biology... ! Thats really weird. Im freaked out now :devil:
what was that dude called that said only a fool would bet on god not existing? when you die if he doesn't exist then you have nothingness for evermore so you lose... but if he does exist then you go to heaven an win... so betting on god not existing is a lose/lose situation. we must all be dumbass's then!
eh? but if he DOES exist - u'll know about it. if he doesn't exist - you won't know about it - cause life just ends. what was that dude called that said " i aint scared of dying, we're all going to die anyhow and when you're dead u won't be able to worry about it." cheesy line stolen from the film 'Platoon'
I'll get those fires a'burnin' for ya :devil: Head-doer: Since only you know that you are alive and that you are conscious and can think, there's the possibility that: a, only you exist and everone else is a dream; or b, other people exist and that you are god. I'm not gonna explain cos I don't have an hour or so to spare, but if you want your nut done in come see me when I'm :spangled: .